Month: February 2009

February 7, 2009

Why Can’t We Just Spend Our Way Out of Depression?

The Canadian government has made a commitment to spend an unprecedented amount on ‘stimulus’.  So has the US.  The British government has bought many banks (along with the US) and will likely buy several more over the coming months.  The EU has reduced lending rates in order to encourage people to borrow, spend and borrow some more. Through this process, the world’s economic ‘power houses’ […]

February 6, 2009

In Search of Zero

This article in the Ecologist asks the question:  is it time to change the 20th century economic paradigms? Wholeheartedly, we say ‘yes’. Here’s a quote from the article: Since the Collapse of 2008, economists are rushing to announce a new era of neo-Keynesianism: lack of regulation in the finance industry has led us to the brink and only massive government intervention can put us back […]

February 6, 2009

Tar Sands, No We Can’t

For all those following this blog, please sign the following online petition to show that we care about our country and we’re no longer interested in exporting dirty oil to the US: Also, please copy / paste the URL and spread the word to your friends and families.  We need to send a strong signal to Stephen Harper and when Barack Obama comes to […]