Month: October 2015

October 16, 2015

BREAKING: Wizard of Oz Discovers Most Canadians Not Idiots, Dumps Harper

The mainstream media seems to have missed a critical failure in Stephen Harper’s campaign:  Lynton Crosby – the much-touted ‘Wizard (or Lizard) of Oz’ – has heaved Steve. So, even high paid political matchmakers are heaving Steve because his campaign is quickly turning into a giant Megantic-like trainwreck. Phew. Too bad, it’ll be too little, too late for the mainstream to sink their teeth into, […]

October 15, 2015

A New Book About Stephen Harper’s ‘Kind of People’

Rob Ford has long been identified by Stephen Harper as someone who’s loyal to the Conservatives and who Stephen Harper and his goons stand by, regardless of the issues they’ve created for themselves in the past. Now, Mark Towhey has released a book ‘Uncontrollable’ about his life with ex-Toronto mayor Rob Ford.  It’s a great background on the train wreck that is Rob Ford, but […]