December 26, 2011

Canadian Press Sucks Up to Harper as ‘2011 Story of Year’

By admin

Canadian Press has issued a blatant round of sucking up by declaring that Stephen Harper and his majority win in the federal election in May 2011 was ‘the story of the year’ (sadly reported by the CBC).

Yes, it was an important story as a record number of Canadians declined to exercise their most important right – the right to vote – and allowed the Harper cons to take over Canadian politics in an absolute way.

However, what was more important to Canadian Press – a ‘news’ agency that is privately owned by three of Canada’s largest media companies (Bell, TorStar and Square Victoria Corporation (SVC)) – is that the Harper regime spent hundreds of millions of Canadian taxpayer dollars on propoghanda campaigns including the ‘Action Plan’, Department of Defense recruiting and other federal advertising.

Of course, 2011 got even better for them because Harper cajoled the opposition parties into an election and turned around and blamed them for being power hungry.  Really?  No irony in that statement?

The resulting election was another pile of cash thrown at all of the major media companies by ALL of the major political parties (including the NDP).

Net impact for Bell, TorStar and SVC:  mega profits at the expense of Canadians.

No wonder they were quick to trip over themselves to declare that 2011 was the Year of Harper.  In fact, I’d suggest it’s all part of the plan.

When is our fricking independent media going to get organized and call BS on this kind of crap?