Category: disaster capitalism

October 28, 2008

Paulson’s Plan and the Sucker Who Bought It

Original story here . Folks, this bailout money isn’t about loosening credit for consumers or businesses, but consolidating wealth and power in fewer and fewer banking hands. That’s great business for the banking elites, but lousy business for the US taxpayer. And it’s all being orchestrated by one of their own, in the shape of Hank Paulson , ably assisted by Neel Kashkari , another […]

October 26, 2008

Responses to Call to Action on Financial ‘Crisis’

As a reminder, it’s my belief that the financial ‘crisis’ was manufactured by those who see a turning of the page of history.  ‘They’ are taking action now to deplete the system of any financial / fiscal strength and are leaving the rest of the world to lick its wounds after the US election in November, one which will surely be historical in and of […]

October 22, 2008

Banks to Sit on Cash

In the US, bankers are admitting that they will likely sit on most of the cash that they’ve received from their government, mainly because ‘no one is going to lend a nickel until the economy turns’. So, as the media hyped up the ‘crisis’ and my dad nearly had a stroke because of the stress levels it induced, banks are going to sit on the […]

October 19, 2008

Financial Crisis Followup: Blackwater to Help with Evictions

Now that most real estate lies in the hands of the American government, it won’t be long before Blackwater comes knocking on the door of those who are trying to make one last go at holding on to their homes. Eviction notices will be deliverd by one of the world’s largest and fierce mercenary armies, thanks to a lot of funding during the Iraq war, […]