September 26, 2011

Fake Fiscal Emergencies

By admin

Time and time again, we’re hearing about ‘austerity’.

It’s a very carefully constructed and managed lie, manufactured by conservative governments everywhere.

Look at Canada’s financial situation:  in 2008 the structural deficit ballooned under the management of Jim Flaherty and Stephen Harper, but two very important fiscal adjustments were made that created this deficit:

  • The transfer of nearly $15 billion in Canadian taxpayer funds to the automakers GM and Chrysler, to be repaid at a later date
  • The coverage of nearly $75 billion in fiscal mismanagement on behalf of the country’s biggest banks
  • Massive corporate tax cuts that have been a complete failure when it comes to job creation or new investment

These efforts, combined with an array of other shell-game shenanigans, have resulted in an unprecedented fake fiscal deficit that would be easily covered when both the bad loans from the banks and the bailouts are repaid to the Canadian government.

In the US, we hear about Obama trying to get the OK to print more money and if he doesn’t, he’ll have to attack and maim the coveted Social Security fund in the US.  Doing so should be considered an act of treason by almost all pensioners in the country, as it would mark a final blow to the country’s ability to disguise the massive waste of money that goes into the military, security and prisons.

Meanwhile, his latest fiscal stimulus package is nothing but handouts and tax cuts for the rich, further eroding any modicum of fairness between 99% of the American population that no longer ‘has’ and the less than 1% that control us.

On an even bigger scale, we now hear about Christine Lagarde and other drones with the IMF – the International Mugger of Finances – and how it’s broke and will need more of our money to bail out countries like Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Spain.  Europe is falling apart mainly because taxpayer funds have been squandered on wars, not the people that live there.  That said, deregulating the infrastructure will result in financial chaos, as predicted by Global Research.

The question gets repeated:  “When will people start to be punished for not keeping their financial houses in order?”  Clearly, on the surface, this should be a reasonable question, but it’s imperative that we lift a few rocks and expose the real worms that are crawling around in the halls of public finance:  the military that pushes us into more wars, security contractors out to corral our every action, private prison companies that can only build bigger prison farms and not invest in social rehabilitation, and so on.

Indeed, austerity measures turn wrongly to the perceived ‘takers’ in this fiasco:  teachers, garbage collectors and other unionized employees that are the only ones it seems that are capable of keeping decent paying jobs or other public employees and bureaucrats that are really only the problem when they give in to the corporatocracy that surrounds them and threatens to suffocate them or pensioners that no longer have a voice in the financial affairs of a country or the energy to protest against being treated like vermin after giving so much to their countries.

The anger and rage has been intentionally misdirected by the media and those that control it.

The true message should be voiced often in the public:  it’s time we stop borrowing and printing money, we must stop spending and stop slashing public budgets without scrutinizing the real costs within these budgets.

Finally, with actions like #occupywallstreet, history is in the making where tens of thousands of people are focusing on the true criminals, but the media institutions do little to nothing to actually cover these protests.  Or abuses of power by the police and the creation of ‘instant’ no protest zones.

Update:  Reports are that NYPD police officers are not showing up for work in solidarity with the protesters.

I truly hope it’s not long before the police return to working for the public instead of their corporate puppeteers when austerity measures cut back on their payrolls and pensions.

It may have been an Arab Spring, but all signs point to an American Fall.