September 3, 2010

Long Gun Registry and Deregulation

By admin

Cote Gauche pretty much nails the central purpose of eliminating the Gun Registry, but I’ll expand on the idea:  this is the tip of the Harper Deregulation iceberg.

It sets precedent and justifies ripping apart every bit of fabric that Canadians have spent the last 143 years knitting together.

By failing to support the Gun Registry, the NDP aren’tfailing their few constituents out in various rural ridings.  They’re failing the basic premise of their core belief structure:  government can and should be an active participant in some aspects of the regular citizen.  I’m not saying it always has to be there, but it serves a purpose.

So go ahead … vote against the registry.  Vote against your belief system.

When you do, maybe you’ll wake up and realize that THIS is why you’re failing in the polls and why current representatives of the NDP have ruined any chance of ever being in control of this country.