October 6, 2008

Stephen Harper: $500 Billion Man (PDF)

By admin

In a Department of Defense document (warning:  PDF), Stephen Harper and Peter Mackay lay out the plans for spending nearly $500 billion on the defense industry up to 2020.


Obviously, another reason to ensure that the Harper Republicans Conservatives do not win unless, of course, you’re into killing people on a massive scale.

Now, let’s try to imagine what we could do if we had $500 billion in disposable cash:

  1. Solve world poverty
  2. Give nearly $100 to every single inhabitant of the planet at least once
  3. Completely pay off our outstanding debt
  4. Have zero tax rates for all Canadian citizens
  5. Bail out the entire US financial infrastructure
  6. Buy a pretty solid chunk of the top ten companies (by market capitalization) on the planet
  7. Convert the Canadian economy from fossil fuels to 100% renewables

Where’s the opposition to this?  Is anyone else astounded by these kind of figures?

What are your suggestions for what to do with this kind of money?

Post script:  Linda McQuaig wrote an article on this yesterday: