Tag: bailout

December 28, 2008

You Can’t Fight the Tsunami of Structural Change

Structural change is upon us.  Our leaders can’t fight it.  As they embarass themselves with bailout after bailout, they fail to stop and look at what’s happening around them. Structural change is an inherent decrease in demand for stuff we don’t want.  In fact, we don’t even think we need it any more, mainly because the tools of demand generation (mainstream publishers and marketing agencies) […]

November 9, 2008

Financial Chaos and the Crisis of Neoliberalism

In my search for alternatives, I came across this series of lectures provided by the Socialist Project, found here . There are three lectures: (1) Marxian Views of Financial Capital and Credit, (2) Capitalism, Neoliberalism and the Current Crises of Wall Street and Bay Street, and (3) Bank Bailouts or Socialist Alternatives? Unfortunately, they’re a little long and there were no talking points or other […]

October 26, 2008

For Whom the Bailout Tolls

This story offers a nice commentary on some of the excesses associated with the bailouts. AIG, in particular, stands out.  Words like greed and gluttony come to mind.  Excessive greed.  Excessive gluttony.  Why these clowns were bailed out at all is beyond me. There are "claw back" provisions in the big $700 billion bailout passed by Congress three weeks ago, requiring that financial institutions get […]