Tag: cry-baby capitalism

December 28, 2008

You Can’t Fight the Tsunami of Structural Change

Structural change is upon us.  Our leaders can’t fight it.  As they embarass themselves with bailout after bailout, they fail to stop and look at what’s happening around them. Structural change is an inherent decrease in demand for stuff we don’t want.  In fact, we don’t even think we need it any more, mainly because the tools of demand generation (mainstream publishers and marketing agencies) […]

November 20, 2008

GM: The Ultimate Robin Hood? Or Scammer?

Some people are questioning the decisions of GM executives to fly in their Jetstreams to Washington to whine about how broke the North American company is, but are few people even aware that GM is planning on spending more than $1 billion in Brazil on a manufacturing plant? They just earned a resounding NO from me.  Let’s try to aggregate that though and send a […]

November 13, 2008

Cry-baby Capitalism

Cry-baby capitalism is making me sick to my stomach. Why is that when things are on the way up, we’re all told to buckle up and suck it up and keep up with all of the others that are racing ahead of us as we stumble in our careers or other activities, while on the way down, the world’s (once) largest companies are the first […]