Tag: us election

November 5, 2008


Last night’s victory by Barack Hussein Obama was history in the making. He’s the first African-American President-elect. He’s young. He’s likely to have a very unique way of doing things. And he’ll probably enjoy two terms. And election season is over.  For now. The last two months have proven to be a massive distraction for my regular work, but I’ve enjoyed following the Canadian and […]

November 4, 2008

The Night of the Shredders and Black Markers

Obama will win the US election.  I know he will.  I hope he will. There’s still the outside chance that pre-programmed electronic voting will steal it from him, at which point, there will be a complete meltdown in the US. However, I remain cautiously optimistic that his margin of lead is so broad that not even Rovian corruption can steal this election from the man […]

November 3, 2008

McCain Camp Resorts to SPAM in the 11th Hour

I couldn’t believe it when I saw it. I had to test the link, despite the perils of following links offered in spam email. It directed me to johnmccain.com. And so it seems that the McCain camp, in the last 24 hours of the US election campaign, has resorted to a new low: SPAM . Claims that Obama was a terrorist weren’t enough.  The evils […]

October 27, 2008

Palin’s Home State Paper Endorses Obama

This endorsement was offered by the Anchorage Daily News which is, of course, in Sarah Palin’s home state.  Now, I’m sure there are lots of publishers in Arizona endorsing Obama or lots of folks in Illinois endorsing McCain, but this seems very apt for the current state of the election. That said, let’s see how the election results actually pan out before gloating too much.

October 26, 2008

US Election: Fraud’s Ugly Head Materializing?

Despite the massive leads reported in favour of Barack Obama, a lot of stories are popping up concerning election fraud, voting issues and problems with electronic voting machines. This BBC story is one of the earlier ones that I’ve seen, but a search on US election fraud (especially with What Really Happened ) will reveal that the problems are ubiquitous and should be something to […]