November 22, 2008

Using Melamine to Boost Protein

By admin

This site offers some background information concerning the use of melamine in foods made and delivered from China.

The ‘bottom line’ provided sums everything up nicely:

Know where your food comes from and how it’s produced. This may sound like an impossible task, and in many cases it will be. Particularly if you depend on processed and commercially farmed foods.

However, if you purchase your raw dairy , grass-fed meats , and free-range eggs from local farmers that adhere to organic farming practices, you can eliminate much of these worries since their livestock must be put out to pasture and eat what God intended for most part of the year, instead of relying on potentially contaminated animal feed.

This reference page contains links to a long list of organizations that can help you find local sources for high quality organic foods.

In other words, when shopping for food, always ask these three questions:

  1. Why should I trust any food from China?
  2. Why should I purchase any food that has been processed?
  3. Why would I buy anything but food from people I know?

As the author admits, there are obvious challenges to these questions.  Sometimes, people simply need basic processed food to get them through a busy day.  I appreciate that because we’re all time-pressed.  And getting to know everyone on your food supply chain?  Pretty much impossible, isn’t it?

Well, I think it’s worth the effort when faced the risk of being poisoned for profit.