Author: admin

September 9, 2008

Canadian Election: Stephen Harper Eats Crow for Bird Stunt

Steve has committed his first major gaff (of what I hope to be many) in the runup to the Canadian Election.  The republicans Conservatives launched a major new juvenile web site (I’m not going to link to it) that has a bird flying over Stephane Dion and then the bird then shits on a picture of Mr. Dion’s head. What are these guys?  A bunch […]

August 8, 2008


What an awesome collection of research: . I especially like the McCain profile: click here for the full image . It’s not about the oil. No. Not a chance. Does anyone know if similar data is available for Canada?

August 4, 2008

McSame Calls for Martial Law in Cities?

In this audio clip , McCain (or McSame as one of the commentors suggested), had this to say about how to control crime in the inner-cities of America: And some of those tactics — you mention the war in Iraq — are like that we use in the military. You go into neighborhoods, you clamp down, you provide a secure environment for the people that […]

January 23, 2008

Canada – Officials Cave to Pressure

It was very exciting to see that our government was ready to make a statement about the abuses of two countries: the US and Israel. For a brief moment, we had taken the high road and it seemed like we were going to finally show the world that we had a spine. The source of the direction was with a training document that would help […]

January 23, 2008

Shock Iraq – 935 Lies Surrounding Invasion Rationale

This article really shouldn’t come as a surprise. Not when there’s money to be made. This is a very slow site (likely due to unforeseen millions of instant pageviews), but worth it once it loads: Here’s another link with a synopsis: Unfortunately for all of us, the s**t is hitting the fan now in the form of "market correction".