As always, this action is geared towards folks in the US . While there were a couple of issues with the site (lots of PDF files, which I hate), they seem to be on the right track.

That said, if you’re reading this blog (ie. my blog) and know of similar ‘action pages’ in Canada, please let me know. The comments section allows a maximum two links, but if you have other links, please let me know (ie. suggest as much in your comments and I’ll contact you directly).

Meanwhile, Stephen Harper had a closed door meeting with financial and corporate bigwigs in Toronto today , preparing his script for November 20 when he meets in Washington with a small handful of other world leaders.  Leaders, of course, who are determined to bring us further down the path of financial ruin via ill-constructed neo-con economics.

I feel like something more should be done, particularly from the left perspective.  Lots of articles are being posted, lots of folks pounding their keyboards, but is there an opportunity to be a little more vocal about this?  Is anyone interested in a ‘day of action’ or alternate plan to support recommendations other than those rooted in the wisdom of Milton Friedman?