December 9, 2009

Canada Reaching Up to Touch Bottom: Natynczyk Changes Story on Detainees

By admin


Oh, Canada.

Where have you gone?

Under the Cons, we are international pariahs.

We are an embarassment.

We are in the early stages of facing constant and repeated humiliation.

Today, Walter Natynczyk drastically altered his public account of Canada’s activity and knowledge of torture and abuse of Afghani detainees.  Original CBC story here.

Shortly after, Peter Mackay (current Minister of Defence), Gordon O’Connor (former Minister of Defence) and Lawrence Cannon (current Minister of Foreign Affairs) all sat before the Commons Committee on the Afghan Mission repeating their stories that they knew nothing about the situation.

As I’ve said before, Slippery Steve will NOT be part of these discussions, but given the level of control exerted by the PMO, it’s imperative that the Opposition find something that will stick to him.

Our future as a nation depends on it.