Category: terror

January 10, 2009

UN Chief Accuses Israel of War Crimes

So it’s official now, but when will the Canadian mainstreeam media report on this ? Let’s wait and see. Navi Pillay, the UN high commissioner for human rights, has called for "credible, independent and transparent" investigations into possible violations of humanitarian law, and singled out an incident this week in Zeitoun, south-east of Gaza City, where up to 30 Palestinians in one house were killed […]

January 7, 2009

Canada Declares War on the UN?

Yesterday, in a shameless and defiant act against the UN, Israeli forces mercilessly pounded a UN-funded Palestinian school in the Gaza strip.  While the number of dead are unconfirmed, most will likely be children. Story here . Israelis and other claim that the Hamas were using the school as a ‘shield’.  It’s very possible, but still doesn’t vindicate this kind of wrath. By definition, this […]

December 28, 2008

Al Qaeda joins ranks of Peter Pan, Zeus

According to this official , there is no Al Qaeda.  The truth about the war on terror becomes more obvious:  identify who benefits and you identify who causes / caused the problems. "The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in […]