January 27, 2011

Jim Flaherty to Hike Taxes? Probably

By admin

Jim Flaherty and the rest of the Cons refuse to heed the actual outcome of disastrous financial ‘trickle down’ experiments like Ireland and the US (more states in the US are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy because of reckless federal fiscal management and downloading), so it’s unlikely that we’ll get corporations paying their fair share any time soon, but Diamond Jim did give us cause for pause in this interview:

“Our plan actually is to continue to reduce taxes over time in Canada. We’ve reduced business taxes significantly, and our plan continues in that regard. We’ve reduced the federal consumption tax, the GST, as we promised we would … We’ve done some tax reductions on personal income taxes. Quite frankly, we’d like to do more over time, so that’s the direction we want to go. What we’re seeing in the economy is moderate growth. It’s not dramatic, but it is steady. And we expect that to continue over the medium term. You know, given what we’ve all been through around the world in the last few years, I would never presume to say ‘never’ in terms of a very substantial economic shock where we’d have to have one. And there are risks in the world, with respect to Europe, with respect to relative weakness in the U.S. economy, with respect to some global imbalances that I’m sure we’ll be talking about at the world economic forum (in Davos, Switzerland) the next few days. That’s not the expectation. The expectation is that we’ll have continued moderate economic growth and continued tax reductions over time.”

So there you have it folks … the exact quote that the Cons have ripped out of the Liberal lines about tax situations in order to slam them continuously about their ‘tax and spend habits’ and that the Liberals will be mega-government bureaucrats.

Which – correct me if I’m wrong – makes the Cons what?  Oh yeah … BIG F-IN HYPOCRITES telling Canadians lies at every turn!  Isn’t it Jim who’s created the biggest deficit in Canadian history?