June 5, 2020

Covid Journal, June 5, 2020

By admin

Ibuprofen: Are You In Or Out?

Scientists continue to work diligently at finding a solution to the disease that has halted the planet.

For a while, ibuprofen (an anti-inflammatory commonly found in Advil) was dissed as a product and/or treatment to avoid. Apparently, it would make you more prone to getting Covid.

Now … it’s being pitched as a cure for Covid.

I’m always game for a fun debate about a wide range of things, but the conflicting evidence and feedback on something as simple as a headache / anti-inflammatory has me shaking my head and wondering what’s behind this.

I’m not suggesting ‘conspiracy’ per se, but it’s hard to have blind faith in some of the approaches being taken with Covid when we might as well ask our experts to cure the common cold.

Food: It’s Sources, Supply Chains and Industry vs Local

What can I say … I’m obsessed with food.

As America falls apart, the supply chains for many Canadian retailers – especially the CLAW or Costco, Loblaws, Amazon and Walmart – will collapse as well.

This free documentaryThe Need to Grow – is a timely reminder of how weak all of the links in our food supply chain are.

We are destroying our planet’s ability to feed us at a rapid pace and industrial practices need to come to an end.

Some History About The Tulsa Massacre

The riots that have taken over America – with an impotent, child-man as President incapable of leading his way out of a wet paper bag – have hit unprecedented levels.

However, here’s a little history lesson: Americans used false flag operations in the past to bomb – yes, bomb – entire neighbourhoods of successful black people in 1921.

I have to be honest because I thought that the Tulsa Massacre was just fiction. I recently ‘learned’ about it while watching a series called ‘The Watchmen’. They used the real-life event to set other plot elements in motion.

Let The Games Begin … NOT

It’s idiotic that people are pushing for a return of organized team sports when millions of others are still forced to live under stressful lockdown and social distancing conditions.

The inconsistency is maddening.

The United States is pretty much in full-blown civil war right now and sports fans are worried about when they’re going to get their next hockey fix.

We’re months away from sending our kids back to school and a bunch of fucking couch potatoes want sports back, including golf, which is already wide open for tee times and range practice.

I’m so glad we’ve got our priorities straight.

Talk about fiddling while Rome burns.

Send in the money earned from corporate box seats and buy millions of PPE for essential workers.

By the way, if we’re looking to reform the tax system so that we can make ends meet after this mess is over, how about we get rid of tax deductions for businesses writing off box seats, concert tickets and $2,000 bottles of wine?

US Hospitals Struggling To Make Ends Meet …

Because There Are No Patients.

In California, many hospitals may even have to shut down because the first wave of Covid-19 patients was nowhere nearĀ  the scale predicted.

That’s a good thing, right? I mean, everyone did what they were told and the impact of the virus was minimized.

Sure … but what happened to the thousands of elective surgeries, treatments and even random emergency visits that may have been cut off or reduced out of fear for spreading or getting Covid-19? What’s the estimated impact of that?

We’re in unprecedented times. There are no experts on how to manage our institutions during a global pandemic because we’ve never had one before.

That said, we’re seeing how Covid-19 is an expert of sorts with crushing existing ‘business models’ or ideas about how we’re supposed to organize ourselves in anticipation of a pandemic.

We’re seeing that the private and semi-private health system of the United States is a complete fail because hospitals are reactive instead of proactive. They receive, bill patients and then continue.

When confronted with an indicriminate enemy, they can’t anticipate volumes of victims accurately and therefore can’t do anything else in the process.

Canadian institutions weren’t much different, but at least they don’t have the financial demons hanging over their heads, waiting to foreclose or pounce on assets. We pay a little more for the adjustments, but we keep the hospitals as part of our social fabric.