October 10, 2013

Gas Plants Questions

By admin

For the record, I’m not a supporter of the Ontario Liberals, but I will suggest that a lot of rage has built up about the gas plant issues and rightly so.  The issue for me is that the rage – especially the bull-shit righteous indignation of Tim Hudak and Andrea Horvath – is misdirected.

The wrong questions are being asked about the recent announcement about the gas plants in Ontario and it’s time we start asking the right ones in order to understand who the ‘bad guys’ are in this situation:

  • Why is it that the auditors can’t count?  Is it $40 million?  $50 million?  A billion?  What’s wrong with these guys?  My 6 year-old can count better and we need an audit of the auditors.  People are relying on these numbers and are making announcements and policy decisions based on their so-called expert numbers.
  • Who’s collecting the money from the government (and people) of Ontario?  Obviously, it’s a corporation or handful of ‘investors’ who have decided to rob the public and we need to hang them out to dry.  Period.
  • If Ontario taxpayers are really on the hook for a billion dollars, why are we the only source for paying it?  If a company benefited from this, and if they don’t take the high road on this situation, then ALL companies have to pay for it.  If they object, tell them to hang their one friend out to dry and pay the bills because Ontarians are sick of this nonsense.
  • Why are all of the opposition leaders being so ridiculously indignant about this situation when we know that they already agreed to do the exact same thing that the Liberals did?
  • Why do we keep getting into this open-ended contracts that cost taxpayers billions and funnel that cash to the ‘haves’ of Ontario and elsewhere?  This is wrong AND MUST BE STOPPED.  Contracts are contracts.  Who are the bozos who are doing such a bad job of negotiating these contracts?

The people of Ontario are right to be suspicious and cynical about this situation because ALL of our politicians are deceiving us with a load of crap about energy policy and boondoggles that benefit the revolving door corporate network and not a single average Joe or Jane on the street.

The bottom line is this:  a corporation somewhere dipped its paw into taxpayer’s pockets and WE WANT IT BACK.

Of course, we should also just insist that it not be paid out in the first place.

Somehow, I don’t see anyone at the leadership insisting that this happen.