July 26, 2022

An Exploration of the Dark Side of Oil

By admin

The Guardian has compiled an excellent history of the ‘dark side’ of oil, focusing on how companies manipulate Earthlings in order to get their way.

As recently as last month, six big oil CEOs were summoned to US Congress to answer for the industry’s history of discrediting climate science – yet they lied under oath about it. In other words, the fossil fuel industry is now misleading the public about its history of misleading the public.

While many probably knew the negative effects that a carbon-based economy would have on our planet, as early as 1959, executives in the business knew that the science about climate change existed … and yet they continued to lie to the public.

The media has been complicit in this, taking money from marketers and spin doctors since day one:

Between 1996 and 1998, for instance, Mobil ran 12 advertorials timed with the 1997 UN Kyoto negotiations that questioned whether the climate crisis is real and human-made and 10 that downplayed its seriousness. “Reset the alarm,” one ad suggested. “Let’s not rush to a decision at Kyoto … We still don’t know what role man-made greenhouse gases might play in warming the planet.”


We have several generations of people that continue to believe the lies.

We have politicians and protesters that think climate change is part of some big plan to put humanity in shackles.

The answer’s actually really quite simple: we start a prohibition of sorts where the license to do business is taken away, assets are seized, shareholders are f&cked and so on if a company and the people run it can’t prove that their operations do not harm the environment.

I know it’s extreme, but we have to start thinking in terms of the bigger picture and longer term rather than by quarter-to-quarter for the benefit of a select few.

But Wait … There’s More

The BBC has had something to say about oil PR and how it’s ruining the planet.

Further, they’ve started a series that aims to tell the story about what oil companies and executives knew about climate change and when.

Unfortunately, this series is blocked to anyone outside the UK, as the BBC must think other citizens around the world shouldn’t be able to get a better understanding of how much they’ve been manipulated.