May 31, 2023

So many things …

By admin

Canada will have a few more years of having to put up with the cauldron of rebellion and alt-right politics. The insurrection has been formalized. Alberta has joined several other provinces with choosing leaders that are very thinly veiled MAGA proponents.


As the RCMP turns 150, research from Dr. Pamela Palmater shows that the RCMP is a major factor in genocide of Indigenous women and girls.

RCMP a Major Factor in Genocide of Indigenous Women and Girls

Of course, getting rid of the RCMP in places like rural Alberta in exchange for goons with bats and zero acocuntability would be the worst thing that could happen, but is most likely … what will happen.

This hurts my brain to think about, so I’m pleased to see some *better* news, this time from the housing front, where Quebec will most likely do an effective job of controlling AirBnB, likely resulting in a slight improvement in prospects for people wanting to own a home or find somewhere to rent. The rest of Canada should stop talking about building millions of McMansions and take similar serious steps to start controlling companies like AirBnB and VRBO as well as put limits on foreign ownership of homes and rental units.