July 5, 2023

A Hole in One for Extinction Rebellion

By admin

Congratulations to Extinction Rebellion for this brilliant plan to mess up golf courses.

All of ‘us’ are being told by people that park their jet planes at climate conferences and shoot a few rounds while talking about how to keep oil sponsorships and subsidies going.

Maybe when we’re being told to use paper straws and to use low-flo toilets that require four flushes, we should start thinking about whether or not there’s a point to golf courses or other land-intensive pastimes that aren’t environmentally sensible.

When our government tells us to hold back on using plastic bags and yet continues to pump billions per year into tar development, what are we supposed to do?

Do you think Extinction Rebellion has stepped over the line or are they hitting a hole in one when it comes to taking action against those who could care less about the environment?