April 14, 2020

Covid Journal, April 14, 2020 (Trump Kills WHO During a Pandemic)

By admin

It’s official: Donald Trump has terminated funding for the World Health Organization, just when the United States has just started to feel the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

By doing so, he’ll kill the organization.

Many people identify that mistakes were made. Hell, no one is perfect in this UNPRECEDENTED global situation, but that’s no excuse in a world where Donald Trump blames anyone but himself.

Trump is effectively declaring war on the world.

But for the rest of the world, it’s a small amount and I’m sure other nations – if not individuals – will step up and keep the organization property and adequately funded.

As they do so, the United States and its hegemony against the rest of the world will continue to fade. And as that happens, maybe there’s hope that the rest of the world can finally pivot towards the future.

Now, today’s WHO withdrawal isn’t the only unbelievable action taken by Trump today. He’s also challenging the right of various states through America to limit the movements of people in said states. They are pushing back.

I swear Donald Trump is pushing for civil war in the United States.

Let’s hope I’m wrong.

(And for those that follow my blog on a regular basis, they’ll share my surprise that I’m on the side of the states that want to ease into normality slowly).

Some good news for a change? There’s a new very viable alternative to Amazon for books, assuming they don’t get bought out some time soon. It’s called Bookshop.org and I’m using it from this point on to avoid spending any more than I can on Amazon.

Finally, for those looking for something comforting, Bon Appetit has done a spectacular job of sharing ideas about how to buy, prepare and store food during this crisis. Enjoy!