March 27, 2018

Doug Ford in London: A Crowd Abuzz With Hundreds of WASPs

By admin

Doug Ford visited London last night.

Let’s hope the room full of 500 very old, very white and very frustrating voters comprises the ONLY 500 Doug Ford supporters in south west Ontario.

Doug Ford White Nation

But let’s face it. That’s not true.

I know many people who I consider friends (although maybe not for much longer) who are very articulate, intelligent and compassionate people.

And yet they’re blindly stupid, ignorant, rude and downright vicious when it comes to supporting dirt like Doug Ford.

I don’t understand the paradox.

Is it the loathing of Liberals that compels people to abandon all of their principles and dignity? Or annoyance with the NDP’s clinging to the 19th century that bums them out?

Honestly, I understand. I don’t want to see Kathleen Wynne or other Liberals from her era enter the Ontario Legislature in the fall of 2018.

But I refuse to even acknowledge Douche Ford as a leader worthy of a vote.

After 2018, the Ontario Conservatives need to get their act together.

