December 3, 2014

Fantino Fudging Exposes Universal Con Fraud

By admin

The Cons play a vicious and manipulative ‘shell game’ when it comes to managing the federal budget.

Back in 2010, Jim Flaherty doled out billions to all departments (along with loads of payouts to friends in corporate circles), creating the largest fiscal imbalance in Canada EVER.

The resulting ‘calamitous’ deficit was then used as an excuse to carve up almost every social program in this country and to assault the financial practices of the provinces, even though many were much better at managing real money than Diamond Jimbo ever was.

What’s important in all of this is that most of the funds allocated with this massive and poorly planned budget free-for-all were put in a giant piggy bank within each federal Ministry.  Everyone had a column that was probably very clearly labeled DO NOT SPEND – and when the next election comes due – 2015 – lickety split, all budgets miraculously balance when Joe Oliver steps up to bat and dips his scoops into the piggy banks of each department.

The recent financial follies of the Ministry of Veteran’s Affairs clearly illustrate this financial fraud and shell-game practice designed to bluff Canadians into thinking their taxpayer dollars are actually being put to good use.

Or that we have deficits to worry about.

The entire thing is manufactured and Canadians have fallen for it, hook, line and sinker mostly because our media companies are accomplices to the crime being played out before us.  They report what they’re told.  If they question, their Con propaganda campaigns get slashed and their financial prospects go into the toilet.

Fantino’s Ministry of Veteran Affairs became the target of questioning, mostly due to the sensitivity associated with their use and abuse of Veterans but also because of the inability to ‘spend the budget within the set time-frame’.  A $200 million program that was supposed to be allocated over three years (a la directions from Jimbo) was instead cancelled and then the story changed again to these funds being allocated over 50 years instead.

50 years.  That’s right.  Apparently, the massive budget deficits were being shell-gamed into a time-frame that’s 10 times the calendar mandate of the current government.

What a crock.

The insult to everyone is compounding on itself as Canadians finally wake up to what a sham government the Harper Government truly is.

Demand recourse.

Oust Stephen Harper and his crooks before they steal and destroy what’s left of Canada.