May 7, 2016

Lynton Crosby Stock Plummets

By admin

Lynton Crosby – the Wizard or Lizard of Oz depending on your druthers – seems to have hit an all-time low.

Crosby was behind the recent (failed) election campaign supporting Boris Johnston in London, England.

Crosby was also behind Stephen Harper’s dismal failure of a campaign in Canada.

He’s also been behind a number of other campaigns across the globe.

The common theme:  how to hate your neighbour.

Given his track record of stirring up loathing of certain racial or ethnic groups, particularly Muslims, expect him to show up soon on the campaign with Donald Trump, manipulating every nuance he can to spread his lovely message of hate.

Well good news is taking shape.  The result from his last few efforts?  The awakening of the electorate in the jurisdictions that he’s been hired to ‘help’.