October 22, 2014


By admin

Today in Ottawa.

The Cons brought this on Canada.

George Bush may have converted 9/11 into a heroic moment which saved his profile – for a short time – but I can’t help thinking that events in Ottawa today are a direct result of the horrifying and misdirected politics of the Stephen Harper Conservatives.

Whether it’s a couple of gun nuts blasting away at the public, blow-back from the radicalized Canadians (assuming such a beast hasn’t been manufactured by the MIC) or massive incompetence on the part of our security establishment as a result of spying on Canadians and environmental groups, it’s more clear than ever that the Cons are firmly on the wrong side of history after today.

I am disgusted with where this government has taken Canada and the rest of Canada should be as well.

The Harper government has invited attack on our soil because of their misguided political agendas.

This is a sad day for Canada.

The greatest fear I have is not gun toting criminals or terrorists, but that Harper will quickly leverage this to his advantage to eliminate any of the few freedoms that we have left.  He will continue his crusade and make Canada an even uglier face in the world of politics.

When it all goes down, who does Harper call?  Benjamin Netanyahu, like he’s the frickin’ boss of Harper.

Much like 9/11 shielded Donald Rumsfeld’s disclosure of truth about Pentagon spending, today’s attacks in Ottawa will prevent anyone from questioning Harper’s new legislation that will put us all in a permanent state of lock-down.

It is a sad, sad day and my kids will one day ask why we did nothing to prevent it from happening.