October 2, 2014

Stephen Harper’s War For Oil

By admin

Stephen Harper has eased his tone a little, but he is most certainly a Dog of War.  Or should I say, frantic puppy?

In the run-up to the 2003 Iraq invasion, he and his fellow Reformer / Nazis were all too quick to label Chretien et al pinkos, commies and traitors for not supporting the US-lead and highly wasteful attack in the Middle East.

And today, without invitation from the US, Stephen Harper is letting loose his puppies of war and is insisting that we rise up and defeat the Holy Terror of Islam known as ISIS – NEW IMPROVED TERROR from the US for the Middle East (TM).

And why?  Because it’s the right thing to do?


Because it provides yet another justification for Dirty Oil from his own backyard of Alberta.

(Ad pitch from the PMO, with soft, silky tone in voice and blue-sweatered garb to match):  ‘Why buy oil that funds NEW IMPROVED TERROR when you can buy non-violent petroleum from SteveCo?’

It’s all part of the plan to get what Stephen Harper wants:  a vein for his junk.