Tag: defense spending

February 14, 2009

Stop the Bleeding, Cut the Defense Budget

The Harper Administration has made a commitment to spend more than $500 billion (BILLION) over the next ten years on the Department of Defense. Because most of this expense will be on non-Canadian companies and companies in the US and elsewhere that are committed to one thing – eternal strife – we need to seriously re-evaluate this expenditure. And when we do, the rewards will […]

November 7, 2008

The High Cost of Defense

This article shows the return to a warrior economy. During the Clinton years, the US government was almost able to pay off its bills because this administration had reduced defense spending.  Not a lot, but enough. At the dawn of the Bush age, we saw an iunprecedented increase in ‘defense’ spending that has nearly bankrupt the US economy. With any luck, Obama will curb the […]