October 20, 2015

Thank you, Canada!

By admin

Well done last night, Canada!  Well done!

Well, at least urban Canada.  And Eastern Canada.

While there were minor (and I mean minor splits in the west), voting in Canada still remains a split between east and west and urban and rural.

I’m so relieved though that Canadians came en masse and put a stop to our little tin-pot dictator who I never have to talk about again.  My personal opinion is that so many people didn’t trust ‘the machine’ that they held back when asked for their opinion.  They refused to trickle any clues to the Conservative marketing machine that they were going to eliminate the incumbents in a BIG WAY.

That said, if I had therapy sessions to cancel, I’d do so this morning, thinking of this as a brand new day for Canada.

But the work doesn’t stop with a landslide win for Justin Trudeau.

We need to act to make sure that Canada moves forward, in some places at a lightning pace, because we need to correct the wrongs of the last 10 years.

Canada is Canadian and is for Canadians once again.


But Justin still supports Bill C-51, C-7 and said the TPP is OK, even though no one has been able to see the actual agreement.

Will Justin purge Ottawa of the ranks of Conservatives that are still clutching to power in the halls of Departments and Crown Corporations?

Will he bring about electoral reform or just ‘talk about it’ and do nothing?

Will the new government investigate some of the more egregious wrongs of the last government, exposing their corruption for all to see at last?

Time will tell, but I’m just so happy this morning that he’s got a lot of breathing space to pull Canada together again.