November 29, 2016

The CDC & Corporations: Profit Instead of People

By admin

Hey Vacci-nazis.  Screw you.

This page tells us about just a few of the fiascos and fraud taking place at the US Center for Disease Control, the supposed bastion of health product research.

To quote:

In August 2014, CDC senior vaccine safety scientist, Dr. William Thompson, invoked federal whistleblower status and testified to Congressman William Posey that his CDC supervisors had ordered him to destroy data and manipulate studies to conceal injuries to black children from certain vaccines. According to Thompson’s testimony to Congressman Posey, data analyzed by Thompson and a team of scientists for a key study showed that black boys who received the MMR vaccine on schedule, had a 250% increase in autism diagnoses. The data also pointed to the vaccine as a culprit in the epidemic of regressive autism in both white and black children. A high level CDC official, Dr. Frank DeStefano, ordered Thompson and his fellow scientists to destroy that data in a large garbage can and omit the damning findings from the published study. That study has been cited more than 110 times in published studies on PubMed, and forms the cornerstone of the CDC’s orthodoxy that vaccines don’t cause autism.

If you did into the archives of this blog, you’ll see that I’m a great fan of science, just not a supporter of the profit-driven  corporate science that floods our mental space on a daily basis.

Corporations and special interests are destroying the faith people have in the scientific community’s ability to generate responsible and accurate research.

This is why many of the CDC’s scientists and researchers have created Scientists Preserving Integrity, Diligence and Ethics in Research (SPIDERs) to oppose and educate Americans (and hopefully the rest of the world) about the disgusting political and profit-driven agendas that are affecting our health.

Even America’s own Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General published the results of a lengthy investigation of corruption in the CDC’s vaccine division. That shocking report painted the CDC as

a hopelessly corrupted arm of the pharmaceutical industry. It described, in detail, mismanagement, dysfunction and the alarming conflicts of interest that suborn the CDC’s research, regulatory and policymaking functions. The report discloses how CDC allows vaccine industry profiteers to make millions of dollars by serving on advisory boards that add new vaccines to the schedule. In a typical example, Dr. Paul Offit, in 1999, sat on the CDC’s vaccine advisory committee and voted to add the rotavirus vaccine to CDC’s schedule, paving the way for him to make a fortune on his own rotavirus vaccine patent. Offit and his business partners sold the royalties to his rotavirus vaccine patent to Merck in 2006 for $182 million. Offit told Newsweek, “It was like winning the lottery!” HHS investigation revealed that 97% of CDC’s scientific committee members failed to complete the mandatory conflict of interest disclosures and that as many as 64% of committee members disclosed conflicts of interest that were not acted upon by the CDC.

Hey vaccinazis: find another arm. This one is raised in disgust.