January 6, 2015

What do Canada, Pulau, the US and the Ukraine have in common?

By admin

Apparently, we’re all Nazis.

That’s the (admittedly) superficial conclusion to be drawn from the fact that Canada was one of just FOUR nations to oppose a declaration of Anti-Nazism presented by the UN shortly before the end of 2014.

Which begs the question:  what’s at play here?

Russia brought the move forward to the UN, mainly to try to undermine extreme right activities in Ukraine.  If we’re to believe a number of different sources, the Ukraine is being run by a group of neo-Nazis and Canada and the US may find themselves on the wrong side of history, despite the ridiculous behaviour of Putin.

A UN resolution would immediately draw attention to those groups, should they exist.  If they don’t – which many in our Western world claim to be the truth – then there’s nothing to the resolution and you can support it, knowing that you’re doing your bit to stamp out Nazism.

Apparently, our government’s only response is to claim that the resolution is too extreme and will result in the invasion of privacy, but that’s really the soft, sad argument that also leads people to believe it’s OK to bully online or to post misogynistic comments on Facebook pages.

I’m left scratching my head about this because some 150+ countries agreed to do what they could to moderate the growth of neo-Nazism and Canada simply did not, regardless of the excuse that they have in the can.

What is the Stephen Harper government afraid of?