February 24, 2013

What If He Didn’t Get Caught?

By admin

All Conservative roads seem to point to corruption, greed and abuse of power and the recent story about Mike Fluffy is no different.

What if the Senator from PEI didn’t get caught putting his fist into two cookie jars?  What if life went on, as it was until someone investigated his tax claims, and he continued to enjoy getting rich off the backs of Canadian taxpayers?

And what if Patrick Brasshole didn’t get caught abusing his power when it came to his domestic affairs?

And what if Pamela Stonewallen is next in the ever-growing list of Conservative appointees who are crooked to the earlobes and who are so busy giving Canadians the shaft that they can’t actually run the country?

Every day, there’s another controversy with respect to the repeated sins that Conservatives commit and we’re expected to say ‘Gee … I guess it’s OK if Fluffy admits he did wrong and pays the money back.’

Any other Canadian pulls that kind of crap and they wind up in jail.  Why should Conservatives be any different?

Once again, I find myself questioning the intelligence of people that vote for Conservatives.  I mean, we see the pattern repeat over and over again, for last several decades, in Canada and afar, and yet they continue to put blinders on and tell themselves that there are no alternatives.

WAKE UP PEOPLE!  You’re being taken for a spin.