October 2, 2015

I Am Now Officially Disgusted with the CBC

By admin

For years, I’ve been pointing out how the CBC is a hive of Con plants, put there by Stephen Harper to destroy the CBC from within.

Well, it’s working.

Nothing is more disgusting to me than the CBC regurgitating the Conservative garbage campaign related to the niqab, with people like Jason Kenney – apparently an expert on Middle Eastern religions – calling the niqab a barbaric medieval mysogynistic practice.

Takes one to know one.

BUT … it’s the CBC who’s giving him the opportunity to talk about this.

Where’s the talk about corruption with the Conservatives?

Where’s the talk about disastrous environmental record?

Where’s the talk about the disastrous economic record over the last 10 years?

Where’s the talk about our funding of the Saudi government’s genocide of Yemen?

Stephen Harper is turning Canada into a country that will accept another dollar in their pockets as payment to look away from the crimes he is committing.

And the CBC is fueling the fire.

Fuck you mother ship.