October 2, 2015

Thoughts on The Last Days of Election 42

By admin

The opposition parties and challengers to Stephen Harper have to stop playing Stephen Harper’s game of Repulican style oligarch manipulation.

Justin Trudeau is getting a little better; Thomas Mulcair has lost any sense of vision.

Originally, I felt JT was acting like Harper-lite, but it turns out he’s got a message that rings a little more true for me than that of TM.

BUT … just like a few new fans with the Jays, I’m prepared to jump on board which ever bus is winning because I am personally committed to helping Canadians defeat Stephen Harper.

My key message to anyone that wants to make the best of the next few weeks is to focus on the things that Canadians actually want out of federal leadership and not what Stephen Harper wants Canadians to think they want from leadership:

  • A better record with the environment and repairing the damage Harper and his goons have done across this great land
  • Commit to electoral reform, possibly by doing some showy signing of an official declaration that this will be the last unfair election in Canada
  • Attack Harper (yes, use attack ads) reminding Canadians of how low, decrepit and corrupt the Harper Conservatives have been over the last 10 years.

Some other random thoughts:

Lastly, for those like me who just want the progressive voice in Canada to win, regardless of the party, go to LeadNow.ca to see who’s pulling ahead in your riding.  I will vote strategically and I suggest you do as well because the only thing that will win the election for Canadians is voting for the individual in your riding that is best suited to replace a Conservative.

Honestly, this election, like other elections in recent history, sicken me because I find it revolting that racism, paranoia, fear-mongering and straight-faced lying will win Stephen Harper another majority and the other parties will continue to scratch their heads and wonder what they did wrong.