October 9, 2015

Is NATO Chastising Russia Because They’re Beating ISIS?

By admin

Which four-letter word brings up more of a boil these days?  ISIS or NATO?

For years, NATO has been kicking sand in everyone’s face in the Middle East and within a week, Russia has silenced ISIS.

Word even has it that the Russians are beating up on US-backed terror groups in the region.

OK, pause for a second.  WTF?

A number of sources indicate that Russia’s campaign in Syria has obliterated any ISIS forces on the ground, potentially creating the stability that this country desperately needs in order to deal with one of the world’s greatest refugee crises in modern history.

Meanwhile, Closet Steve has been carpet bombing the entire region from a distance, indiscriminately destroying pretty much everything, including civilian areas, only helping to exacerbate the refugee crisis that the world now has to deal with.  And the US can’t even hit a target in Syria, instead bombing a hospital in Afghanistan.

And after the hundreds of billions wasted on the whole thing?

Nothing but instability.

So, should Steve really be bragging about his stance against terrorists when in reality it’s like the pot calling the kettle black?

Folks, remember that this is the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about so long ago.

And NATO has just proven this by declaring that they will create the biggest buildup against Russia since the dark days of the Cold War.

This isn’t Boom Beach we’re talking about.  This is a very-near declaration of war and run-up to World War III.

When you go to the polls, remember this and don’t fall for the lies.