October 7, 2015

This Guy Came Asking For A Job Renewal Today …

By admin

This guy I met in the office came asking for a renewal to his job.

I scheduled a whole bunch of interviews, but he didn’t show up for a single one.  No ‘sorry … I got hit by a bus’ messages or effort to correct the problem.  I tried scheduling interviews with people that were close to him who might be able to tell me more about him, but they all cancelled these meetings or simply didn’t call me back.

But he kept asking for a job anyways.

Then, I heard him in the halls talking about what he would do with his new job.  Words like ‘faggot’ and ‘snitch line’ and ‘they’re all terrorists to me’ came out of the mouths of the people he was talking with, although I don’t think he actually said them himself.  He did say ‘old stock Canadians’, but I wasn’t sure what to make of that comment.

I also heard a rumour that he started firing everyone around him, especially those who didn’t agree with his ideas and he even started shredding priceless research and data that would give us insights into how to do our business better.

Then it just got worse.  He hired a whole pile of his friends and people that shouted out the rude accusations like those above.  Some were even worse, calling me a lying sack of shit for no apparent reason.  Anyways, it turned out that these friends were criminals, wife beaters, sexual deviants, fraud artists, scammers of the most vile sort, but when I tried to ask a couple of questions about these people, he just started yelling ‘terrorist’ and told me that I should change my clothes because he didn’t approve of what I was wearing.

When asked to cooperate with others, he stormed off and said he would quit.

And then he asked me to renew his job.

And then he locked the doors so NO ONE could get into the office.

I complained to human resources.  They audited me at his request.

I complained to our security company.  They kettled me and my friends into a corner and started beating us, again at his request.

He then sold my home right out from under me without me knowing the details of the sales agreement and without my permission.

He said, ‘Look … it’s OK.  I know what I’m doing.  I’m made an amazing and astounding 0.3% profit on our activity over the last 10 years and I’ve only double the amount of money that YOU now owe to international bankers and lenders.  Look … if you don’t like me, I’ll just make sure you don’t get to make a decision, OK?’

I tried to verify the numbers he mentioned.  It turns out they seemed to be altered at the last minute to make him look good, if 0.3% was ‘good’.  But when I dug a little deeper, I saw all kinds of curious financial misdeeds, including funding departments, getting them to spend money and then cutting them off at the last minute.  He shifted ALL of the resources of our company into one business division and that business division completely fell apart in the last couple of years AND nobody wants the products.

And he came at me again asking me to renew his job.

Finally, I asked myself ‘who in their right mind in any business or organization in the world would hire a guy like this?’

Really, who?