Author: admin

December 2, 2008

Nestle: Product Ban?

As the City of Toronto and other municipalities wrestle with ways to moderate the volume of waste resulting from plastic bottles, Nestle has been accused of engaging in potentially misleading advertising, at least according to the sources quoted in this article . For me, it seems like the answer is really quite simple:  stop drinking bottled water (or other liquids) . We’re very fortunate, in […]

December 1, 2008

Financial Crisis and Ecological Amnesia

I’ve been using this blog to try to point out some of the flaws in getting the same old crew to repair the messes that they created in the first place.  Of course, to take a page from the Adbusters gang as they revved up Buy Nothing Day for last week, we also start to understand that the core of the problem is us.  Until […]

December 1, 2008

What Was the Point of the Economic Statement

It seems the Conservative government has blinked and has eliminated several of the more contentious components of the economic statement from last Thursday.  John Baird said over the weekend that they won’t try to eliminate the right for public sector members to strike, nor would they eliminate public funding for campaign finance.  Of course, it wasn’t Harper or Flaherty making these statements.  It was Baird.  […]

November 30, 2008

Uniting the Progressive Vote in Canada

Reposted on request Ron Love, organizer of the ‘United Alternative’, explained in this article how his efforts to unite the right paid off in 2000 and how they continue to pay off as Stephen Harper comes closer and closer to a majority government.  He shares his wisdom for the ‘left’ and demonstrates what ‘we’ need to do in order to mount a force that could […]

November 30, 2008

Great Depression by 2011

And now for some really good news.  Well, I tried. This article offers a fairly complete list of reasons why we should at least expect zero growth for the next three years.  When our MA in Economics leaders claim that they couldn’t see it coming, I’ll feel like I’ve fulfilled my public duty by warning them here first. It’s the least I can do. Now, […]