Author: admin

November 22, 2008

Newsladder: For the info-junkies in all of us

In the US, a group called the Media Consortium has recently launched a product called ‘Newsladder ‘. If you’re a news junkie, be careful.  There are 22 news feeds and this is likely to grow now that they’ve launched their product.  I didn’t notice a feed devoted to Canada or Canadian publishers, but I’m sure it won’t be long before there is one.  Maybe one […]

November 22, 2008

Using Melamine to Boost Protein

This site offers some background information concerning the use of melamine in foods made and delivered from China. The ‘bottom line’ provided sums everything up nicely: Know where your food comes from and how it’s produced. This may sound like an impossible task, and in many cases it will be. Particularly if you depend on processed and commercially farmed foods. However, if you purchase your […]

November 20, 2008

GM: The Ultimate Robin Hood? Or Scammer?

Some people are questioning the decisions of GM executives to fly in their Jetstreams to Washington to whine about how broke the North American company is, but are few people even aware that GM is planning on spending more than $1 billion in Brazil on a manufacturing plant? They just earned a resounding NO from me.  Let’s try to aggregate that though and send a […]

November 19, 2008

Most uneducated quote of the day

I live in London, Ontario and the local council just made an extremely embarassing decision to NOT proceed with the collection or compostable waste .  The City of London will be one of the last cities in Ontario to have a green-bin recycling program, and this is already on top of our embarassing record with respect to regular trash pickup (every 6 business days, not […]